Freezing Temps Prepare Inside & Out!

As much as I love the beach, this week we are preparing for temperatures in the teens with rain. We are thankful for weather apps to warn us ahead of time so we can prepare. All the ‘snowbirds’ that traveled from the northern states to dig their toes in the sand and warm themselves are hunkering down inside beach houses, campers, and hotels.

Preparing for a hard freeze protects things on the inside of objects and the outside of the same objects. This may seem obvious, but we often walk out the door unprepared for the weather and find ourselves in the rain, feet wet, and a cold sets in. We shuffle around looking for our umbrella, rain boots, and coat. Better preparation makes for a better outcome.

We rarely cover our outdoor faucets here, but there was a scramble at the local Home Depot and Lowes for insulated faucet covers. Social media posts consisted of reminders to leave your faucets dripping and cover your outdoor plants. Again, this all seems obvious, but when we get into the hubbub of everyday life, we can overlook some essentials.

Let’s make watching weather patterns, staying prepared, and alerting others a part of our routine. This helps keep others safe and causes us to stay prepared, and if you know me, prayer is always in this mix.

Check out this link and listen to the experts help us stay prepared with our stuff and the outside and better equipped on the inside to help others.

Meanwhile, stay warm, spring is on the way!

Remember, the matters of the heart are the heart of the matter!

Dr. Michele

January 21, 2024


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