Summer’s Ending…

Most people love their summers! Warm weather, a variety of outdoor activities and the beach lace our summer calendars. Time with family, kiddos’ summer camps, and a break from the school routine are welcomed events. And it seems we just get used to the new schedule and it comes to a screeching halt. We are the ones screeching saying, “Not, yet, I am not ready for summer to end!”

Yet our gardens have almost played out. The hot weather is not kind to most gardens and even hot house plants and vegetables need a break. In their own way they are saying, help prepare me for my winter break so in the spring we can produce again. In the cooler fall weather here are some things to tuck your garden away for a while. (This video is a helpful 3 min clip).


Summers afford a plethora of hobbies and happenings of which we can get in the habit of doing. We fall in love with new activities and meet new people. Let’s use the fall and winter to share gardening tips, both in planting and décor. Learn what people all over the US and the world do in planting. For example, people in certain parts of the Himalayas can only grow few vegetables in the fall and potatoes in the winter due to the climate and conditions. So, they get very creative with their food, both in how they cook and how they store it.

We have so much to be thankful for. From season to season as one ends we can be assured that another is about to begin. Until next time… Remember,

~the matter of the heart is the heart of the matter,

Dr. Michele


The InBetween


The Open Window